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Choosing the career of Architecture was a slow and steady phenomenon of life. As a child I have always had a curious mind, be it experimenting with blocks or questioning and getting to know about things like, general knowledge, science, technology or even politics.

However, By the time I completed my junior college studies, I had made up my mind to take up Architecture which was in line to my interest in knowledge of technology of various paradigms as well as modern structures. That is when I realised how Architecture and Space can change a person’s lifestyle.

I remember being told, “It is the function which segregates architecture from art.” Knowing how drawing a line can transform into spaces gave me a deeper perspective and outlook towards the importance of architecture. Living in a city like Mumbai forever, one couldn’t help but notice and be in awe with the beauty and variants of its architecture.

After learning immensely about architecture over the 5 years, I got the opportunity to work at SEARCH architects in Mumbai as an Architect, under the guidance of Ar. Kapil Bhalla. There I worked on commercial projects which involved concept development, planning, façade design, client interaction and coordinating with consultants. 

With a thought of diving deeper and learning the managerial part of construction I joined university of Westminster, London to pursue Master's in construction project management. 


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Kingsbury, London, United Kingdom

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